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//! <br>
//! This crate provides a [`DynClone`] trait that can be used in trait objects,
//! and a [`clone_box`] function that can clone any sized or dynamically sized
//! implementation of `DynClone`. Types that implement the standard library's
//! [`std::clone::Clone`] trait are automatically usable by a `DynClone` trait
//! object.
//! [`DynClone`]: trait.DynClone.html
//! [`clone_box`]: fn.clone_box.html
//! [`std::clone::Clone`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/clone/trait.Clone.html
//! # Example
//! ```
//! use dyn_clone::DynClone;
//! trait MyTrait: DynClone {
//! fn recite(&self);
//! }
//! impl MyTrait for String {
//! fn recite(&self) {
//! println!("{} ♫", self);
//! }
//! }
//! fn main() {
//! let line = "The slithy structs did gyre and gimble the namespace";
//! // Build a trait object holding a String.
//! // This requires String to implement MyTrait and std::clone::Clone.
//! let x: Box<dyn MyTrait> = Box::new(String::from(line));
//! x.recite();
//! // The type of x2 is a Box<dyn MyTrait> cloned from x.
//! let x2 = dyn_clone::clone_box(&*x);
//! x2.recite();
//! }
//! ```
//! This crate includes a macro for concisely implementing `impl
//! std::clone::Clone for Box<dyn MyTrait>` in terms of `dyn_clone::clone_box`.
//! ```
//! # use dyn_clone::DynClone;
//! #
//! // As before.
//! trait MyTrait: DynClone {
//! /* ... */
//! }
//! dyn_clone::clone_trait_object!(MyTrait);
//! // Now data structures containing Box<dyn MyTrait> can derive Clone:
//! #[derive(Clone)]
//! struct Container {
//! trait_object: Box<dyn MyTrait>,
//! }
//! ```
//! The `clone_trait_object!` macro expands to just the following, which you can
//! handwrite instead if you prefer:
//! ```
//! # use dyn_clone::DynClone;
//! #
//! # trait MyTrait: DynClone {}
//! #
//! impl Clone for Box<dyn MyTrait> {
//! fn clone(&self) -> Self {
//! dyn_clone::clone_box(&**self)
//! }
//! }
//! // and similar for Box<dyn MyTrait + Send>, Box<dyn MyTrait + Sync>, Box<dyn MyTrait + Send + Sync>
//! ```
#![doc(html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/dyn_clone/1.0.9")]
#![allow(clippy::missing_panics_doc, clippy::ptr_as_ptr)]
extern crate alloc;
use crate::sealed::{Private, Sealed};
mod macros;
pub mod private {
pub use alloc::boxed::Box;
pub use core::clone::Clone;
pub use core::marker::{Send, Sync};
mod sealed {
pub trait Sealed {}
impl<T: Clone> Sealed for T {}
impl Sealed for str {}
impl<T: Clone> Sealed for [T] {}
pub struct Private;
/// This trait is implemented by any type that implements [`std::clone::Clone`].
/// [`std::clone::Clone`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/clone/trait.Clone.html
pub trait DynClone: Sealed {
// Not public API
fn __clone_box(&self, _: Private) -> *mut ();
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use alloc::rc::Rc;
use alloc::sync::Arc;
/// `&T` —▸ `T`
pub fn clone<T>(t: &T) -> T
T: DynClone,
unsafe { *Box::from_raw(<T as DynClone>::__clone_box(t, Private) as *mut T) }
/// `&T` —▸ `Box<T>`
pub fn clone_box<T>(t: &T) -> Box<T>
T: ?Sized + DynClone,
let mut fat_ptr = t as *const T;
unsafe {
let data_ptr = &mut fat_ptr as *mut *const T as *mut *mut ();
assert_eq!(*data_ptr as *const (), t as *const T as *const ());
*data_ptr = <T as DynClone>::__clone_box(t, Private);
unsafe { Box::from_raw(fat_ptr as *mut T) }
/// `&mut Arc<T>` —▸ `&mut T`
pub fn arc_make_mut<T>(arc: &mut Arc<T>) -> &mut T
T: ?Sized + DynClone,
// Atomic. Find out whether the Arc in the argument is the single holder of
// a reference count (strong or weak) on the target object. If yes, it is
// guaranteed to remain that way throughout the rest of this function
// because no other threads could bump the reference count through any other
// Arc (because no others exist) or through this Arc (because the current
// thread holds an exclusive borrow of it).
let is_unique = Arc::get_mut(arc).is_some();
if !is_unique {
// Non-atomic.
let clone = Arc::from(clone_box(&**arc));
// Atomic. Check the reference counts again to find out whether the old
// object needs to be dropped. Probably not, but it can happen if all
// the other holders of a reference count went away during the time that
// the clone operation took.
*arc = clone;
// Non-atomic. TODO: replace with Arc::get_mut_unchecked when stable.
let ptr = Arc::as_ptr(arc) as *mut T;
unsafe { &mut *ptr }
/// `&mut Rc<T>` —▸ `&mut T`
pub fn rc_make_mut<T>(rc: &mut Rc<T>) -> &mut T
T: ?Sized + DynClone,
let is_unique = Rc::get_mut(rc).is_some();
if !is_unique {
let clone = Rc::from(clone_box(&**rc));
*rc = clone;
let ptr = Rc::as_ptr(rc) as *mut T;
unsafe { &mut *ptr }
impl<T> DynClone for T
T: Clone,
fn __clone_box(&self, _: Private) -> *mut () {
Box::<T>::into_raw(Box::new(self.clone())) as *mut ()
impl DynClone for str {
fn __clone_box(&self, _: Private) -> *mut () {
Box::<str>::into_raw(Box::from(self)) as *mut ()
impl<T> DynClone for [T]
T: Clone,
fn __clone_box(&self, _: Private) -> *mut () {
Box::<[T]>::into_raw(self.iter().cloned().collect()) as *mut ()